Amy’s guest in this episode is Sara Kalke — one of the coolest people Amy has met in the last three years! She is a REALTOR®, entrepreneur, real estate trainer, and a RE/MAX Titan Award Winner — selling an average of 100 homes a year in the last three years as an individual agent with no buyer’s agent and no online leads! Most importantly, Sara is living out her dreams of owning horses, traveling the world, and taking at least six vacations a year with her husband.

In this interview, Sara shares exactly how she does it all! She gives tips and tricks on how to stay on track with planning and balancing being a mother, a business owner, and wanting to have some fun in between. She also talks about how she launched a six-figure online course for only $250 in paid advertising — and she tells you the exact steps for how she did it! On top of that all, Sara also talks about some of her fears and how she learned how to repeatedly act in spite of them in order to really take her business to the next level.

If you are an entrepreneur and a mom you are going to be blown away and super inspired! Her wisdom around balancing her business, her family, and that little bit of fun we all need, is absolutely invaluable!

Key Takeaways

[:48] About today’s awesome guest!

[2:43] Amy welcomes Sara to the podcast.

[3:10] Amy gives a quick summary of Sara’s incredible career!

[3:45] Sara shares her story and explains how she accomplished so much in such little time.

[7:55] Why did Sara not like having a team? And what made her realize having a team was not for her?

[10:30] Why do coaches get a bad rap? And what changed Sara’s perspective around them?

[15:30] Sara speaks about the important groundwork that she did in order to be able to make six figures from a $250 ad spend.

[20:36] How did Sara launch this incredible six-figure online course? How did she attract an audience?

[24:00] How many people signed up for her course from her free online webinars? And was there an email follow-up required?

[26:50] Sara shares some of her major moments of courage over the last two years in her transition from a top REALTOR® to pursuing all of these additional revenue streams.

[35:03] Sara speaks about some of her initial fears in leading her own groups and getting into public speaking, and how she overcame them.

[38:25] An important lesson Sara learned: not everyone is going to love you… and that’s actually a good thing!

[44:01] Sara gives incredibly invaluable advice to entrepreneurs looking to launch a course or an online business.

[47:01] Sara’s secrets for time management and balancing work and family.

[52:31] Sara shares how she plans for the week and offers some additional time management tips!

[57:19] What apps does Sara use?

[58:37] Sara’s tips for staying on track with your business.

[1:01:10] Sara gives her final pieces of advice to all entrepreneurs on what makes or breaks a launch.

[1:02:40] Amy thanks Sara for joining the podcast.


Key Highlights:

  • The important groundwork that Sara did in order to be able to make six figures from a $250 ad spend!
  • The EXACT format she used to launch her incredible six-figure online course and what ultimately helped it gain traction!
  • The most valuable advice she’s ever received that SAVED her business from an unsuccessful launch!
  • The THREE questions all entrepreneurs should ask themselves before launching their online course or business


Mentioned in this Episode:

Sara Kalke

Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive, by Dorie Clark

Badass Women of Real Estate Facebook Group

Amy Porterfield

Brendon Burchard

Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams, by Jeff Walker

Annie Lawless

Lawless Beauty

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers, by Timothy Ferriss

Tiny Calendar App

Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business, by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters

Connect with my Guest!

Sara Kalke’s Websites: and

Sara’s Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

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If you want to get more resources on marketing, branding, content strategy and building a business, you can follow me over on Instagram @AmySelbach or at!

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Amy Selbach
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